Elevating Childcare Work in Motherhood

Women, Ergonomics 

& Back Disorder

WEBD provides you with the knowledge
& resources to create your own work safe environment at home for you and bub!

What Equipment Is Right For You?

Click the links to find out what equipment could be a good fit for you.

Nappy Bags


Changing Tables


Prams & Strollers

About Us

Back pain in pregnant and postpartum women is so common it’s considered normal. And of-course there are good reasons why some of this back pain is normal …hormones, rapidly changing body shape, birthing a new human or two and recovery. But what many of us don’t consider, is that within a day or so after delivery, most new mums will begin working with baby, performing complex manual handling tasks, likely augmenting and prolonging back pain, and risking long-term back disorder.

In world first research involving hundreds of women, Occupational Ergonomist, Dr Adele Stewart, has examined the work of home-based childcare. Measuring tasks, postures, motion and forces on the body, has shown that common infant nursery equipment facilitates the risk of back injury. Adele says: “we can’t change the characteristics and needs of a developing baby, nor can we change the physical characteristics of carers; but we can mitigate the risk of back injury by how we use the equipment and perform the tasks”.

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